Sunday, December 7, 2008

Makeup Comments/Answers, Week 7

Makeup Reading Notes, Week 7

See Muddiest Point #8...Zhen informed me that we may make up an assignment if we were short one as a result of thinking that 10, instead of 11, posts were necessary to complete all blogging assignments.

How Internet Infrastructure Works

This article gives a nice overview of what the internet actually is. I think most of us, at least I have, sometimes tend to think of it as a concept rather than a distinct network of computer systems. The illustration, while not all that necessary, helps explain how it works at its core.

While the internet is a collection of systems and not owned, it is, obviously, monitered and maintained in order to avoid numerous problems. I suppose that's part of the reason for ISPs.

Anyway, this is a good article. I think the router illustration and explanation is especially effective in trying to explain how the internet works. Also, if you're wondering about the seemingly random progression of numbers that makes up you IP, this article answers why it's not so random.

Dismantling Integrated Library Systems

I understand Pace's frustration with dismantling of the ILS. Every few years, it seems like it's going to have to be deconstructed from its current from in order to keep up with existing technologies...only to be dismantled once again. With technology increasing at a greater speed year after year, one wonders if an ILS can ever have an constancy.

Inside the Google Machine

Wow, a twenty minute video; this is probably twice as long as the longest video we've been required to view. Anyhow, this video enlightened me (how could it not?) on how Google works for all kinds of people, users and founders.

The beginning illustration was cool....and effective. It literally showed where the Google users are. Of course, it's not just Google users, but those who have an internet connection. Some of the answers were predictable: The US, China, Japan, India, parts of the Middle East, and Europe. Africa was almost completely absent, but as Brin pointed out, it's because there's a lack of power.

Part of Brin and Page's intent is to increase internet usage, mostly to places like Africa where there's very little of it. Obviously, yes, they'd like to turn a profit and promote their company; I mean, it IS called the Google Foundation, so it's definitely self-promotion as well. Still, I'd like to think that at least half their intent is altruistic. Besides, using Google searches to illustrate overall usage seems to be a pretty accurate measure since it's the most popular search engine on the internet.

Comments/Answers, Week 14

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Reading Notes, Week 14

What Cloud Computing Really Means

Well, this week I got to learn about cloud computing: a term I had not heard until today. Basically, it's "an updated version of utility computing," which means that there are virtual servers now on the intenet. Some go further stating that anything you consume outside the firewall, into the cloud, is cloud computing.

Apparently this is a problem for IT professionals, but I feel so poorly versed in this area that I couldn't really tell you why. Unfortunately, I think this article, while written well enough for a layperson to have a basic understanding, is still too geared toward those who have familiarity with this issue...whatever that may be. Anyway, it was still interesting to read the seven ways of breaking down cloud computing. I guess my conclusion, probably naive, is that it's always better to have more user options. By my reading, that's what this concept allows, and at a lower cost.

Explaining Cloud Computing

I should watched this video first. It makes the cloud computing concept easier to understand. Evidently, my conclusion from the first article wasn't really all that naive, even though I made it based on limited information. But I have a question: When I chose to use Google for my last assignment of designing a website, was that an instance of SaaS? I am using an internet service to create something that normally, or at least years ago, required some kind of software. But instead, I accessed a website, used its HTML editor, and created my own website at no cost or storage space. I realize these are pretty simple questions for a lot of people in this class, so feel free to make fun of me.

Also helpful in understanding this idea is the analogy to an electricity grid. Poor Microsoft, they can't run a monopoly.

The Future of Libraries: Beginning the Great Transformation

I liked this article, especially the introduction that explained the history value of libraries to all societies before books so ubiquitous. Today, of course, the libraries are still valuable but for different reasons. Information is readily available for just about anybody, at least in the industrialized world. That means that libraries must function a different manner, but with the same purpose. Obviously people still frequent the library for information, but since they can get what they want just about anywhere (I'm not speaking of those who choose to go there just so that don't have to purchase something), it means that they are going there because it offers faster communication (Trend #1) or more efficiency in locating the desired information (Trends #4 and #5)

The trends listed in this article break down the future of library services quite well. I think the first and seconds trends are the most important "live by" if you're a librarian, because you have to realize that all technology has a lifespan. What's the value of a library if any regular person that uses the same technology on a day-to-day basis? Well, then you're just a discount book lender.

Trend #7 I have the most doubt about. I mean, really...there will be zero literacy? We'll be a verbal society? I don't think it's that black and white, even if growing technology verbal communication a near necessity. People will always have a desire to read and write simply because it's either a) the preferable form of communication or b) more likely, they just like to do those things. I'll "only" be 70 years old by then, and I can promise anybody reading this that I'll be reading and writing, because it's what I love to do. Trend #10 is a bit dubious...too vague.

Muddiest Point #10

I am in Zhen's group. If I currently have 9 reading responses, 9 comments (18 total) and 10 muddies (counting this one), does that mean I only need to post a reading response for week 14 (this week) and the required comments to get full credit, or do I have to post one more reading response (total 11) and comments to get full credit? There's been some confusion with this, so any answers, either by Zhen or those who count their scores through her statistics, would be great. Thanks.

Friday, November 28, 2008

Muddiest Point #9

How much security do Pitt students have using university software? How and why is it better (or worse) than the average user's?

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Reading Notes, Week 13

No Place to Hide

This week's readings are of great interest to me. While the technological advances in information retrieval have been a blessing, they've also become quite burdensome because of security issues. These advancements work to our benefit for the most part, I think. But there are, of course, people out there who use their empowerment for criminal purposes, sometimes under the guise of "what's best for us."

The No Place to Hide website helps play more into the second part, in my opinion. Whether or not you disagree with motives for the PATRIOT Act, there's no doubt our privacy has been affected in adverse ways. Is it worth it? No in my opinion. I think this investigative website shows why.

TIA and Data Mining

This website run by the Electronic Privacy Information Center is concerned by the problems that No Place to Hide is, although I think it's less alarmist. The vast majority of the site is informational with less emphasis commentary, and, I think, allows the people more of an option make their own minds on the privacy issue.

You Tube Video

Apparently, this video has been removed because of copyright issues, so I can't review it.

In any case, I think this week's issues aren't just interesting, but important, relevant topics for anyone going into an information science career.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Reading Notes, Week 12

Weblogs: Their Use and Application in Science and Technology Libraries

The article helpfully begins its description of a weblog, which is, simply, a blog. This makes me think, though, how much more confusing upcoming technology really is. Without clear and definite terminology, it only serves to be more difficult to educate the public about new technology. Sometimes I think those "in the know" forget about that.

Anyway, much of the article was common knowledge for a lot of us, I'm sure, at least since we've begun blogging. For example, most of us know by now that a blog works as something of a personal journal and that our entries, if we desire, can be archived (106). We also know that they can have great success (106). What isn't so clear is the history (107). A lot of us may have been keeping up with the advances in blogging for the past decade, but I've only been blogging since about 2004 or so, although I have been using involved in online communites prior to that.

Basically, this was a good introduction for those who have only an elementary knowledge of computers, blogging and blogging software. There are some terms referred to that I was unaware of, but it took very little time or effort understand them. Most of the meanings could be inferred. I do wish some of the prior articles we have read were only this challenging.

Using a Wiki to Manage a Library Instruction Program: Sharing Knowledge to Better Serve Patrons

The explanation of the wiki was pretty straightforward and there was little confusion as to what the author meant, mainly because I, along with everyone else in class, has used one. If it's not Wikipedia, then it's likely the course wiki for LIS 2000 or another specialized wiki. For instance, I like to read Thomas Pynchon, and I often have to consult a wiki (given the nature of his work) run by fans and Pynchon scholars in order to understand the references and context of his novels

What I really liked to read, since I've never bothered to try and set up my own wiki, is section on "making your own wiki." Maybe I'll try it now.

Creating the Academic Library Folksonomy: Put Social Tagging to Work at Your Institution

Arch is correct with the assumption that most of current literature on the interest is, in fact, now on the internet. The reasons are obvious, I suspect, because 1) if you're discussing the internet, then the internet would be the obvious place to publish your finding and 2) the development of the internet is increasing so quickly that by the time literature is published on paper, it's already become dated.

Social tagging is a good method for people to reach what they want, but everyone has to contribute in order or it to work. While we've all agreed on the language we using (more or less), some users will have slight discrepancies on a meaning. Others might try a more specific search, while some will begin their searches on a broader level. So, it's important that a large population contributes so as to cut down on these problems. There is, however, a risk to open contributions. Says Arch, "[t]here are, of course, a few risks and issues to consider when implementing social tagging in your library, especially if the site is open for all library patrons to update. One is the wonderfully named spagging, or spam tagging. Users with bad intentions can tag unsuitable sites for their own profit or simply to create havoc." It'll be interesting to observe what direction social tagging goes in.

How a Ragtag Band Created Wikipedia

This 11 minute recording (I listened to the audio; didn't watch the video) was pretty interesting. Jimmy Wales, the founder of Wikipedia, gives a talk about how he and some developers made the website into a reality. As a frequent user (and, by the way, well-aware of both it's faults and benefits), I held a special fascination Wales's presentation.

Wikipedia runs on donations from the public; important, I think, since it is also open source. This is truly a public collaboration and illustrates the appeal of the website. Wales points out the common surprise, and it was a surprise to me, that only 1/3 of the traffic is to the English version, which comprises 600,000 articles out of the 2,000,000 total. It is a truly global website and one of the top fifty in use. This is particularly fascinating because, as Wales points out again, it runs on comparatively very little money to, say, the New York Times, which is a huge corporate organization, and, yet, has less users.

Of course, there's the question of "how good is it?" Wales claims that it's pretty good but, of course, not perfect given its chaotic system. Part of the reason it works is that most people understand the need for neutrality, which Wales insisted upon from the beginning, and, as he points out, that doesn't necessarily equate to the truth, which, of course, can differ from person to person depending on the entry or idea. "Right v Left" problems are not that big of an issues, probably because of the fact that those engaging in that debate are asked to leave the community. The vast majority of the "community" is comprised of 600-1,000 dedicated members, not the controversial anonymous users, who only make up about 18% of all edits. In my opinion, most of the erroneous claims are probably edited by the dedicated members or members like me, those with a username and who care about Wikipedia's veracity but infrequent with their edits.

Overall, I think Wales did a decent job in clearing up the issues or problems with Wikipedia, particularly with idea of neutrality, but I wanted a little more detail in some areas and wished the talk could have been longer. Hopefully, most people would come away believing that Wikipedia is usually reliable, impressively so, but also understand why it isn't appropriate to use it as a source.

Postscript: Earlier I could not access the second and third articles via the online syllabus, and so I I did not post any notes (but mentioned my efforts). Thanks to Jake's comment, I was able to access them via Course Documents on Blackboard today, 11/22. Keep in mind, though, that my original notes were posted on Thursday.

Muddiest Point #8

This is for my T.A., Zhen, or anybody who knows the answer -

Apparently we need 11 blog entries instead of 10 to get full credit for the blogs. However, in my case, I have 7 entries so far, which means I need four more to get full credit. The problem is that there are only 3 weeks left in the course, and I was counting on blogging for the remaining weeks of the course to get full credit. Being as how we were just informed of this development today and the fact that some of us inevitably used the reading response statistics to keep count of our scores, is it possible for those of us who are one short (and, therefore, probably, used to reading response statistics to keep count of our scores) to blog about a prior week's readings?